Sport Team use Email2phone


Application: Contact multiple members of the Mytown Cardinals Little League Baseball Team in urgent situations.

Challenge: Quickly notifying team members when weather conditions or other situations dictate a change or cancellation of games or practices.

Methodology: Set up a simultaneous team call network using Email2Phone service.

Result: Coach Nichols is able to save significant time and energy by quickly notifying fifteen team members via phone calls made possible by sending one email.

How it Works

Email2Phone is a versatile tool used for a wide variety of applications. It works by using computer software and modern speech technology to convert ordinary text emails into phone voice messages and deliver them to any phone, anywhere. It also provides the user with the capability to dial-in and listen to their email voice messages and to access messages online via computer.

When the application requires that an Email2Phone user be able to contact multiple phones, Email2Phone can be configured to call all or a select group of participants. By using the Email2Phone filters, various groups or subgroups can be identified to receive email voice messages based on keywords in the subject or content of the email. Email2Phone also provides the capability to dial and place calls to participants simultaneously or sequentially. Little league coach Nichols has configured Email2Phone to call all his team members at the same time using the simultaneous dialing feature.

Case Study Subject

Coach Nichols, like most little league coaches, is also employed full time and finds himself under the strain of trying to be in multiple places and doing a variety of things all at the same time. One of worst scenarios that the coach experiences is when the Cardinals have an early game or practice that needs to be cancelled or changed because of the weather or some other factor outside his control. Placing multiple phone calls to team members from work is not an easy or convenient task. Previously, he would call certain members that would call others, etc. This was not a reliable method.

Using Email2Phone

The coach happened to be looking online for business communications sites when he stumbled on Email2Phone. He set up a free trial account and after a few days of evaluating the capabilities of Email2Phone converted it to a regular account and added the members of the Cardinals. Now when he needs to get in touch with his team members, he simply sends an email with the appropriate message to his account at Email2Phone and within minutes all members of the Cardinals receive a call with the email voice message. If the call goes unanswered, Email2Phone will either leave a message on voicemail or call back depending upon which option was set up when the coach entered the phone numbers.

Email2Phone Benefits

The primary benefit derived from using Email2Phone by Coach Nichols and the members of the Cardinals is the convenience and time-savings realized by being able to send one email and quickly notify multiple members of the team. This can be done with a high degree of certainty since Email2Phone is a reliable tool that also provides options (leave messages on voicemail or call back) for members receiving the calls. The $10/mo. basic service charge with 40 call credits has proven to be quite economical and certainly outweighs the stress and hassle of having to make multiple phone calls.

Start Your FREE Trial Today

AcrossCommunications Inc.

2500 Shadywood Road, Suite 820, Excelsior, Mn 55331, USA

Phone: 888-364-5101

Fax: 888-794-3554

Members Dial-In Service Numbers to Retrieve Emails

USA: 1-320-314-1084
Canada: 1-647-724-4084
UK: 44-20-70431932